tirsdag den 21. juni 2011

Is this it?

WARNING: this post is extremely depressing and pathetic. I’m sorry.
Let me just sum up the events of this wonderful evening:
17:00: guests arrive
17:00-18:00: Eating too many peanuts, drinking too much champagne
18:00: Dinner. Eating tons of vegetables
18:15 Eating 3 pieces of sushi
18:20: Damn it, the sushi is good. Eat 3 more
18:30: Now that I have had too much sushi, I might as well eat some chicken
18:35: Fuck, I should not have eaten that.
18:40: Maybe I can still do okay. After all, I have only had 2 apples before dinner
19:00: Dessert. Taking a small amount of ice cream
19:15: Oh my god, I have probably just consumed over 1000 calories. I should throw up
19:20: If I’m gonna throw up I might as well eat more ice cream
20:00: Coffee and chocolate. I’ll eat as little as possible and then maybe I won’t have to throw up
20:20: Who am I kidding? I’m totally gonna throw up. And then I can just eat whatever the fuck I want to
20:29-23:00: Eating more chocolate. Wishing guests would go so I could throw up
23:00: Tell guests I’m tired and that I’ll go to bed
23:20: Throwing up in my room
23:40-now: Hating myself and being depressed
All of the mentioned events took place while I was trying to be social and pretending to be happy about graduation. I’m so tired of this. This is a very good example of what is wrong with me. This is the day where I’m supposed to be happy and I end up throwing up and crying in my room cursing the world, my parents and myself. Fuck me.  
I’m scared that this will be my life forever. I try to look positively at the future but honestly I don’t see how things could change. I keep holding on to this fantasy that someday someone or something will save me. I’m so pathetic and weak. This is what I need to do:
 Delightfully morbid

I see these people who suddenly say that they don’t want to do this eating disorder crap anymore (and good for them. Seriously, I’m happy for them) but I just don’t get it. Like, I don’t like having an eating disorder. I don’t enjoy throwing up. I don’t like being this depressed. But I can’t not. Yeah, maybe I could follow a food plan and eat like a normal person but it wouldn’t change the way I feel. Something is wrong in my head. I just feel so gross, wrong and like a waste of space. Even when I’m not motivated to lose weight I know I have to. It is the only thing in the world I know that brings me happiness. I thought that was the eating disorder, you know. I think it’s a part of the eating disorder that you can’t just walk away from it when you’ve had enough. I don’t know, it’s probably not the same for everybody.
Seriously I feel really bad for being such a depresso. Feel free to unfollow my blog. I won’t be too hurt (okay that’s a lie but still, I’d get why.) Hopefully I’ll be happier tomorrow. Take care of yourself ladies, you’re great!
Ps. Blogger is being a bitch and I can’t see who follow my blog, so if you want me to follow your blog, just leave a comment.   
Ps 2. I just heard my parents talk outside my room. My mom said: “I think this night was exactly how Astrid wanted it to be.” She has no idea. My parents make me so fucking angry.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I am not going to unfollow you just because you are having a rough time of things.
    Everyone is allowed to have bad days.
    They are bound to happen at some point.
    This is not how your life is going to turn out, it is just a blip in the radar.
    Things are going to turn out all right for you, Astrid.
    I just know it.
    I know it is hard, but try to stay positive if you can.
    And you know that if you need anything, I am here for you.
    We all are.
    And I believe in you.
    Hang in there, kid.
    You will be okay. :)
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3

  2. hun i'm not going 2 unfollow you!!!!! we all know what it's like 2 be depressed and it's ok . Yes sometimes i don't have control over how i feel either but it's what we do with those feeling that creates a better outcome feel free 2 email me whenever xoxo-echo
