mandag den 11. juli 2011

4 – Obesity

Every other Dane is overweight. That’s shocking! (And makes me feel a little better about myself.) 15 % are obese.
Let’s not be one of them! Reason to not be obese:
Higher risk at
-           Diabetes
-           Heart attack
-           Stroke
-           Heart diseases
-           Thrombosis
-           Cancer
-           Being depressed (naturally!)
-           Discrimination
… and many more. (Especially the simple fact that YOU WOULD BE OEBESE. Hallo, that’s fat * 1000! )  
I always feel so bad when I watch these shows about fat people. They scare the shit out of me actually. I think it’s because I can’t rule out the fact that I one day could be obese. Really, it’s just another eating disorder isn’t it? I watched supersize vs. superskinny and the skinny woman was eating like 5 mouthfuls and was like “God, I’m so full now.” That’s so not me! I can eat and eat and eat (thank you bulimia!) Most days the only thing separating me from the fat people is my very developed ability to throw up. I can easily eat amounts of food that normal people would consider extreme and sickening. I don’t trust myself around food and if I not keep controlling my food in this sick way I’m sure I would gain tons of weight.
I really (REALLY!) wish I was naturally skinny. I’m more curvy and big-boned. I wonder what it’s like to never obsess about your weight. Some of my friends just eat what they feel like and magically they keep a steady weight. I don’t seem to have that ability. I’m either a) starving and losing or b) Binging and gaining or c) Binging and purging and keeping a pretty steady weight. It just doesn’t seem fair, you know. But yeah, I guess I did this to myself.
My point is that if I’m not losing weight I’m gaining (or throwing up like a mad person!) so I really need to get thin and not obese. (maybe one of my issues is that I see everything so black and white? I’ll work on that some other day.)
So today is day 4. I went to the gym and think I burned like 300-400 calories plus I went on my bike to get there (-150). And I think my intake is around 800 calories, so all together this was a pretty good day. I’m actually a little surprised that I haven’t fucked this up yet. Yeah okay, it’s only been 4 days but still, this is unusual. I hope I can keep this going.
I want to post some pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt because in a weird way I feel like a can totally relate to her. Her weight has also fluctuated a lot and her legs are kind of on the bigger side just like mine. But still, she is extremely beautiful. (I could definitely do her, any day!)

March 2009

March 2010

One year ago

Very recent

This is what happens when you don’t pay attention: The pounds start packing on!

1 kommentar:

  1. I wish I was naturally skinny, too.
    However, I have a bunch of curves and a large frame.
    Lucky me. >.<
    At least I have left obesity behind.
    Now I am just overweight.
    Still fat.
    But not for long. ;)
    Hope you are doing well!
    Stay positive, stay beautiful. <3
